さ and サ
“So” sound in Sock.
These characters are usually written with “S-A” in romaji, but they actually sound closer to the “So” in “sob” or “sock”.

さ Memorization Story
The hiragana さ is the face of your angry dad when he sees, and SMELLS all of your dirty socks that you’ve left all over the floor of your bedroom.

サ Memorization Story
The katakana サ on the other hand is YOUR face looking out from behind the bed as you SOb with a sheepish smile on your face, because you know what’s coming.
The hiragana さ is written very similarly to き, except that it has one less horizontal line.
The 3rd stroke in the katakana サ will usually start slightly ABOVE where the 2nd stroke started.
Font Examples
さ サ
さ サ
さ サ
さ サ
さ サ
Note that the 3rd stroke in the hiragana さ is usually CONNECTED to the 2nd stroke in most computer fonts, but is usually NOT connected in writing. The second stroke slices up to the left a bit in anticipation of the 3rd stroke.
Hiragana さ
Type the letters “sa”.
Katakana サ
Type "sa" and press the F7 key, or press spacebar until the katakana appears.
to bloom
crunchy, sound of crunching
Historical Form